It Is Cold In The Studio

As an artist it can sometimes be difficult to summon up the creative juices. The mind can go blank, distractions are everywhere and work just doesn't get produced. When I struggle to focus, either with no idea or too many, then I find one of the best things to do is go for a walk. A change of scene, some fresh air and it is like someone has flicked a switch and my mind is clear of it's direction. Inspiration flows and I am on top of the world! 

However no amount of inspiration or creative juices can help me get over the hurdle of a cold studio space! When the water in my jar is freezing then I have to go and sit in the office and do some admin. I know it isn't as fun as painting but I find these cold days a help in getting the paperwork side of my business up to date. 

I can of course still be creative in the office but as I share the space with my wife, I am not brave enough to bring the oil paints inside!

I am hoping for warmer weather or perhaps we should simply move to a warmer country!

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